
September 2004 - Upgraded self test function for Leak Detectors
is now available for all models DPG6000 that ejects only
leaking bottles during a SELF TEST.

September 2004 - NEW MODEL
For K2004 a new Leak Detector, Model DPG6000, will be introduced
thats redefines the measure by which future system will be mearured.
For a personal viewing during K2004 contact Paul Hodges on
+49 (0)2150 6756
September 2004 - Auto Palletizer
fully automatic palletizer for pallets to 2,5m high and throughputs
to 12000 bottles per hour.

June 2005 - Bagging of FLAT OVAL Bottles
With the further developement of the Bag Holding system of our
bottle bagger, model ST100/TL/B, the bagging of FLAT OVAL
bottles into a plastic bag is now possable.

January 2006 - NEW Linear Motion Leak Detector
for the high speed testing of plastic bottles and containers
our new multi head servo linear leak detector offers test rates
rates to in-excess of 20000 per hour while still detecting
0,20mm holes
March 2008 - TEST RESOLUTION OF 0,001 kPa
Our DPG6000 range of leak detectors now has a test resolution
of 0,001kPa.
Our budget model, DPG2000, has a resolution of 0,005kPa which
still out performes the norm of 0,01kPa offered by many others.
Our DPG6000 range of leak detectors now have full pressure
logging allowing technicans to accurately set the tester from one
production run to another. PCL also is a usefull tool for instructing
new technicians in the setting of the leak detector.

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